
[tIG]ワインスタイン・カンパニー、B.カンバーバッチ主演映画『The Imitation Game』北米配給権を高額で獲得

コンピュータサイエンスの父と呼ばれたアラン・チューリングをベネディクト・カンバーバッチが演じる映画『The Imitation Game』の北米配給権を、ワインスタイン・カンパニーが700万USドルで購入したとのこと。

Deadline:Berlin Record Deal: Harvey Weinstein Pays $7 Million For Alan Turing WWII Tale ‘The Imitation Game’

In what I am told will go down as the highest price paid ever for U.S. cumbrights on a movie at the European Film Market, The Weinstein Company has locked a deal to pay $7 million for The Imitation Game, the Graham Moore Black List script that Morten Tyldum directed with Benedict Cumberbatch playing Alan Turing, the genius British mathematician, logician, cryptologist and computer scientist who led the charge to crack the German Enigma Code that helped the Allies win WWII. Keira Knightley also stars in a film that will be shaped as a major release for the next awards season.


