
[BM]ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ最新出演予定作『Blood Mountain』あらすじ

1月末に、ベネディクト・カンバーバッチが『Blood Mountain』という映画に出演するニュースが出ましたが、配給会社向けのあらすじ(Synopsis)が出ました。

ベネディクト・カンバーバッチが演じるのは、チャーリー・ウェブスター(Charie Webster)という熟練した退役軍人。今は民間軍事会社で民間兵として仕事を請け負っており、効率よく冷酷に敵を処刑する。


Collider:First Synopsis for Sergei Bodrov’s BLOOD MOUNTAIN Starring Benedict Cumberbatch


Director: Sergei Bodrov

Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch

Blood Mountain is a taut, visceral and surprising action-adventure in the tradition of Three Kings, Lone Survivor and The Grey.

Charlie Webster is a seasoned combat veteran, now working as a private military contractor, who dispatches the enemy with ice-cold efficiency.  Years of warfare have left him jaded and impervious to the horrors around him; there’s nothing he hasn’t seen or done before.

While operating along the lawless mountainous regions between Pakistan and Afghanistan, his special forces team is ambushed and killed during a covert raid on a high value traget and Webster is forced to personally escort Al-Wahiri, one of the world’s most wanted terrorists, over miles of hostile terrain in order to bring him to justice.

With a $12 million bouty at stake and insurgents and rival mercenaries hunting them at every turn, the two men ? warriors in their own right and obeying an unspoken code that cannot be broken ? find themselves facing not only their enemies but each other.

『Three Kings/スリー・キングス』、『ローン・サバイバー』、『The Grey/凍える太陽』などのようなアクション・アドベンチャーとのこと。

