



本人がジョークのつもりでも、面白おかしく取り上げた方が大衆は喜ぶのでメディアはそういう演出をする、ということを、Harrow出身で突然人気者になったせくすぃー馬俳優は気づかなかったようで、「言葉には気を付けましょう」をこの夏に身をもって学んだと、Radio Timesのインタビューで話しています。ま、ライジングスターの浴びる洗礼ですね(笑)

で、ジョニー・リー・ミラーが演じる、ニューヨークを舞台とした現代シャーロック・ホームズを、ベネディクト・カンバーバッチはどう見ているのか。Radio Times曰くベネディクト・カンバーバッチの正直な思い、のインタビューがupされました。

Radio Times:Revealed: What Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch really thinks of Elementary

“I have to be careful about mentioning anything which could be vaguely misinterpreted, but that doesn’t take away from the absolute truth of what I’m saying which is that I’ve seen [Elementary] and it's absolutely fantastic - and the bit where you find out that the killer is, in fact… - it’s really good you should all watch it.

“[Jonny Lee Miller is] phenomenal; he’s completely different; he’s far more contained. He’s stunning to watch as well - he’s just a beautiful specimen, Jonny - and he really knows what he’s doing, he’s completely got under his skin and it’s another Sherlock for he 21st century.

“Was I cynical about them going to him and asking [given that we had worked together on Frankenstein]- Yeah, but I’ve yet to go and talk to them about where their original thoughts came from to cast him, but I know for a fact that they kept on going back to him so he must have knocked it out of the park in the auditions.



"And I know for a fact that he was dubious about doing it because of myself and, of course, Jude [Law, who plays Dr Watson in the current Sherlock Holmes movie franchise], who he’s known since they were kids. So he felt really nervous, he wasn’t sure about it, and he asked if I was alright with it, and I said ‘Of course I am, of course I am,’ and so the thing that always gets quoted now ? because people want to sell the programme off two friends who are friends, having a fight that they‘re not having because they’re friends - is that, what I’ve said, which I haven’t said, which is that I didn’t want him to do it - and it’s not true, I didn’t. Even what I’ve just said can now be taken out of context and used against me...


"And Lucy Liu is wonderful - it’s another great relationship... We should all just suspend our judgement about it until we see it, that’s the thing, isn’t it? There was anther two sheets worth of fish paper in The Times today about it - apparently I’m not happy about it, apparently Steven [Moffat]'s not. I mean, it’s just fine - it’s more than fine, it’s brilliant."

ルーシー・リューのジョアン・ワトソンについては保留だそうです。The Timesにフィッシュペーパー2枚分との批評が載ったのでしょうか。そういう批評はあまり嬉しくないし、スティーヴン・モファットも好んでいない、そうですが…そこでモファット氏を出すと飛び火しかねないということも考えていいと思いますよ、坊ちゃん!


『Elementary』第2話「While you were sleeping」が先週放送されました。なんとも…ねぇ。頭のキレる人間を敵に回すと非常に面倒くさいことになるのね、と溜息が出ましたね。BBCのシャーロックが、人の傷口に塩を塗りこむとその人は苦痛なんだと分かっていないキャラでいっているのだろうと思えるのと違って、CBSのホームズは分かっててやってます。自分の過去を掻き回されたくないから、人の過去を掻き回して先手を打ち、イヤな思いしたくなければ僕の過去を掘り返すな、です。

