
[PE]『Parade's End』BBC Media Centreにてプレス出ました!

ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ、レベッカ・ホール、アデレイド・クレメンス主演、BBC+HBO製作ドラマ『Parade's End』。待ちに待ったプレスリリースがようやく出ました!

BBC Media Centre:Parade's End Sir Tom Stoppard's adaptation of Ford Maddox Ford's series of novels for BBC Two

Executive producer Damien Timmer says:

"What Benedict Cumberbatch has managed to do is bring Christopher’s inner life to the forefront. He makes him utterly mesmerising, even when he just appears to be watching things unfold around him. He makes for a very interesting and unusual kind of hero. He has this very strong moral code, fierce intellect, and in lots of ways rejects the 20th century, exasperating the people around him; he has this huge brain but doesn’t want to engage with things that are happening and unfolding. He drives Sylvia to madness but somehow Benedict makes this incredibly accessible and really fascinating."

Interview with Sir Tom Stoppard

Interview with Benedict Cumberbatch

Interview with Rebecca Hall

Interview with Adelaide Clemens



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