
ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ出演の舞台『After the Dance』NY公演実現の気配が少し濃くなる?!

先日、ベネディクト・カンバーバッチが『After the Dance』でNYブロードウェイ・デビューを飾るかも!とのニュースがDaily Mailで流れましたが、新たなる情報が出てきました。

なんでも、『BOOK OF MORMON』のプロデューサーStuart Thompsonが『After the Dance』の権利を手に入れて陣頭指揮を取っているとMichael RiedelがNew York Postに明かしたとのことです。(Michael RiedelはNew York Postの批評家の1人らしい)

Broadway world.com: Cumberbatch One Step Closer to Broadway with AFTER THE DANCE?

As previously reported by BroadwayWorld and first mentioned in the UK Daily Mail, a Broadway run of AFTER THE DANCE with Benedict Cumberbatch is looking more and more likely for the fall.  Last month, the Daily Mail reported that producers were in "very serious" negotiations for the move.  Today. Michael Riedel reveals in the New York Post that BOOK OF MORMON producer Stuart Thompson has acquired the rights and is planning spearheading the transfer. 


If all works out, the production would arrive in New York next spring, perhaps with Cumberbatch's co-stars Nancy Carroll and Adrian Scarborough. Don't make plans to see a Broadway mounting of the show just yet, though - it's said to be far from a done deal.

まだまだ予定は未定の状態なので確定ではありませんが、『After the Dance』のNY公演が実現するなら、来春、昨夏にNTで上演した時と同じメインキャストの予定です。

