
インタビュー:Hero of Baker Street returns... and has he got news for you


Independent.co.uk:Hero of Baker Street returns... and has he got news for you(pic:JUSTIN SUTCLIFFE)


2010/10/14に放映のあるTV番組「Have I Got News For You」について。Bennyはご両親とこの番組を見るのが好きだったとか。

It's really an honour for my father and mother as we used to watch it together; though I imagine Paul [Merton] will come up with the idea that he doesn't know who I am.

Timothy Carlton CumberbatchとWanda Venthamという有名な俳優を両親に持つBenny。ご両親の影響を受けたか?との質問に、なんとも率直な(?)答えを。

Yes, and no. Because I saw the working practices behind what they did, it didn't carry a lot of mystique. I knew about the peripatetic nature, the uncertain income what it can do to your social life ? all of that. I actually initially wanted to be a barrister.


Even though my hair's a different colour, people do still recognise me. That has happened, which is odd.... It's mainly positive, but you do get a few spiky people who want to have a go, but I can just about deal with them: I've got the energy for it. It might be different if I was older.


"People are going to be shocked at how it will affect the volume of output and choice that they're very used to at the moment. The arts provide a massive return of revenue, employment and hold national prestige.

"There are five people at the Royal Court who earn around £140,000 collectively and bring in around £1m per year: that would get you a big bonus in the City. I'm interested in art for all. I don't want it to be only the sons and daughters of Tory MPs who get to see my plays."


そして。ホームズの次はDr. Whoだ!と思う人が多いのでしょうか。けれど、ベネディクト本人はドクターになることは考えていないようで。

Everyone talks about Dr Who as if it's something to aim for, but I'm very happy being Sherlock Holmes. I'd much rather surprise people with what they might like, rather than what they already know they like.

「Have I Got News For You」が楽しみです!
