

英iTunesの「Sherlock, Series 1-3: Deluxe Edition - Sherlock」に、S3単体Editionに未収録のメイキングやPBSで放送された番組が入っています。


[UK iTunes]Sherlock, Series 1-3: Deluxe Edition - Sherlock



※下↓はS3単体。「Meet the Makers part1/part2」はありますが、Uncovered/Unlockingはありません。(Meet the MakersはDelux Editionにも含まれています)


US版のDelux Editionは今のところ販売されておらず、S3単体の中に特典映像が4つとも入っています。(USで放送されたコンテンツなのでS3に収録されていると推測)

[US iTunes]Sherlock, Series 3 - Sherlock



翻訳力はないので解説はしません(プラス、冒頭はS3に関係するので飛ばします)が、「10.Sherlock Uncovered, Episode 1」の12分半ごろから始まる「SHERLOCK and JOHN」は、かの有名な「マーティン・フリーマンと合わせた瞬間ベネディクト・カンバーバッチの演技が変わった!化学反応が起きた瞬間だった」S1E1 「A Study in Pink」の読み合わせ映像(ボーダーシャツ姿のマーティン・フリーマンと、パイロット・エピソード・モードのベネディクト・カンバーバッチ)と本編映像が交互に出てきて、ショートバージョンをあちこちで見ているくせに思わずニンマリしてしまう楽しさ。(読み合わせ/本編が4分くらい続きます)



10.Sherlock Uncovered, Episode 1(25min)

Sherlock's back! The world's most greatest detective comes back from the dead. But how did he do it?Sherlock Uncovered goes behid-the-scenes at the first episodes cast read through, with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, where the answer to televesion's greatest mystery was first revealed.

11. Sherlock Uncovered, Episode 2(26min)

The stars of Sherlock talk about the women in the life of TV's greates detective. Sherlock Holmes may be great at solving mysteries, but he's clueless about women. Featuring interviews with actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Lara Pulver and Una Stubbs, the series creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss and Behind-the-scenes footage from Sherlock.

12.Sherlock Uncovered, Episode 3(22min)

We meet the villains who've battled with TV's greatest detective. There's Jim Moriarty, his nemesis. There's Charles Augustus Magnussen, the only man Sherlock Holmes truly hates. And then, thre's Mycroft Holmes - Sherlock's brother and the last word in sibling rivalry. Featuring interviews with actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and series creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.

13.Unlocking Sherlock, Episode 1(55min)

Find out how writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss created the television iht Sherlock, taking Sir Srthur Conan Doyle's original adventures of the Victorian super sleuth and transforming them into a worldwide sensation. Steven and Mark take us throught the versions of Holmes that have inspired them - the ofitinal stories, the cactual inspirations, the thousands of film versions - to arrive at the thoroughtly modern Sherlock. And go behind-the-scenes on set with the stars of Sherlock. Featuring interviews with lead actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, and Sir Authur Conan Doyle.

[UK iTunes]Sherlock, Series 1-3: Deluxe Edition - Sherlock



[Amazon.com]Bonus Content: Unlocking Sherlock [HD]



※この記事を書いている時点ではまだアメリカでS3E3が放送されていないので、上記リストには3話目の「His Last Vow」とBonusの「The Villains」が入っていませんが、放送後に入ると思われます。


