



TIME:Go Behind the Scenes with Benedict Cumberbatch

The shoot was quick and collaborative. Kudacki planned on photographing a few different looks as she also recognized Cumberbatch for his polished sense of style, saying it’s “classic, simple, but really chic.” While Cumberbatch was willing and even brought his own clothes, his schedule was packed with interviews and appearances in support of the movie The Fifth Estate, in which he stars as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange; so they didn’t have time for the changes. Instead Kudacki kept a few layers near the set that Cumberbatch could easily add or layer.

記事によると、Paola Kudackiによる撮影はそれほど時間が取れなかった様子。ベネディクト自前の服を持って来ようとしたものの、『The Fifth Estate』のインタビューなどが入っていて着替える時間すら取れなかったとか。

Paola Kudackiによる撮影のメイキングビデオもupされています→http://www.time.com/time/video/player/0,32068,2748392527001_0,00.html
