
[ST2]英国俳優がよく割り当てられる悪役にはなりたくない:『Star Trek Into Darkness/スター・トレック イントゥ・ダークネス』ベネディクト・カンバーバッチのインタビュー


ベネディクト・カンバーバッチもそのことをよく知っており、最初に『Star Trek Into Darkness/スター・トレック イントゥ・ダークネス』でVillainのオファーが来た時に、いつもどおり自分にもその手の「固定化された悪役」なのかと思ったと、The Sunにインタビューが出ました。

The Sun:I won’t be typecast as yet another English actor playing the Hollywood movie villain

The 36-year-old Londoner, whose twisted Star Trek character threatens Starfleet from within, feared being typecast as yet another British villain in a Hollywood blockbuster.

Benedict says: “I am very aware of the English transition of an actor being from a different culture coming over and they are being like, ‘God, this guy does theatre and c***. We’d better give him the bad guy role and a cape and just make him be really horrible’.”

Benedict continues: “It was the pitch that JJ gave me, a couple of scenes to audition with and he fleshed out the whole world of the rest of the script, and there’s a purpose and intention to his otherwise violent and pretty distressing actions that made it really intriguing.

“And I thought, ‘Well, OK, there’s a purpose to this man’.”



He smiles as he recalls: “I was mobbed at the airport in Japan, which was not my usual sort of thing. It’s not what I expect when I arrive at the airport.

“It was amazing. Lots of fans turned out when we were recording in Tokyo. Yeah, none of that is normal, is it? It’s fantastic.

“I think it was because there were a few people who were interested to talk to me about everything to do with my life at the moment, and to let me know that I’m very big on the internet, which I have sort of got wind of.”



AXN:「スター・トレック」ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ 悪役に最初乗り気ではなかった!?








