
[PE]BBC2の『Parade's End』公式番組サイト&BBC Radio4のレビュー

いよいよ今週の金曜日2012.08.24(現地時間)より放送が始まる『Parade's End』。ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ、レベッカ・ホール、アデレード・クレメンス主演、Ford Max Ford原作、Tom Stoppard脚本、Susanna White監督。


BBC2:Parade's End


BBC Radio4の「Saturday Review」で、『Parade's End』が取り上げられています。こちらは日本からでも問題なく聴けますので、興味のある方はどうぞ。声だけの予告編というのもまた違った楽しみが☆

BBC Radio 4:Saturday Review

コスチュームものでもあることから、何かと比較される『Downton Abbey』。しばらくUSに向いていたいetcと、一つの発言が様々な角度に(時には悪意を持って)加工されているベネディクト・カンバーバッチですが、『Downton Abbely』の脚本家Julian Fellowesは、いつか彼と一緒に仕事をしたいと話しました。

Radio Times:Is Benedict Cumberbatch heading for Downton Abbey?

But the Downton don is not one to be easily riled and has since reassured his adoring public that he doesn't bear the Sherlock and Parade's End actor any ill-will, telling the Telegraph:

“I have known Ben since he was a little boy and I couldn’t be fonder of him. He has turned out to be a marvellous actor and I will certainly watch Parade's End, which has a wonderful cast and, in Tom Stoppard, a brilliant writer.”

In response to Cumberbatch’s barbed comments, he reasoned, “I am quite sure what Ben said has been taken out of context and do not at all reflect Ben’s real feelings. The popularity of Downton and Ben’s series Sherlock and, hopefully, Parade’s End are all part of a surge of interest in television drama which can only be good news for all of us.”

So with that sunny outlook, can Fellowes find it in his heart to extend the olive branch and offer Benedict a role in his critically acclaimed period drama? Well, let’s just say the signs look good…

“I very much hope that we will work together in the future,” he says. Oh, please say it's so!



ま、Posh bashingとか言えるあたりがposhですけれど(爆笑)

そして、この週末の各新聞で『Parade's End』が大々的に取り上げられているようです。スキャンはあちこちに出回っているのでここには載せません。


