

ベネディクト・カンバーバッチのインタビューがRadio Timesに数本上がっています。


Radio Times:Benedict Cumberbatch: I've been fighting doing Dracula

He’s played the world’s greatest detective, and currently has parts in two of the biggest movie franchises in Hollywood - Star Trek and Lord of the Rings prequel The Hobbit ? but Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch says he’s trying to avoid a proposed role in Dracula.

“There's a script in the pipeline,” revealed Cumberbatch, “I've been fighting it rather than being in it...

“There's a lot of Gothic in Sherlock. I don't like to repeat myself too much. I think there are too many vampire franchises," he told Time magazine.

Cumberbatch said he was keen to steer clear of big movie series for a while: "I have become involved in another one [as well as Sherlock and Star Trek] - The Hobbit, playing the Dragon and the Necromancer, so that should keep me in fine wine... so I suppose I'm part of three franchises. I plan on not getting involved in another one."

“Like a lot of things in my life... it'd be nice if the culture had a bit of time to breathe and not see another revival of the same thing again and again and again," he added.

So what would Cumberbatch like to do next? “I want to do something with an American accent, so you won't recognise me."


『The Hobbit/ホビットの冒険』、『Star Trek 2/スタートレック2(仮)』と大きな作品に立て続けに出演し、しばらくは大きな映画を避けたい気分になったみたいですね。ジェームズ・マカヴォイみたいに、大ヒット映画に出て有名になりたいと以前言ってましたが、野望は満たされたようで(笑)



Radio Times:Benedict Cumberbatch: I'm desperate for America to really take to Sherlock


“Pull the hair on my head the wrong way, and I would be on my knees begging for mercy. I have very sensitive follicles.”


『Untitled Star Trek Sequel/スタートレック2(仮)』のオーディション用写真を、iPhoneで撮って送った話はこの記事。

New York Times:How an iPhone Audition Got Benedict Cumberbatch Into the ‘Star Trek’ Sequel



結果、『SHERLOCK/シャーロック』シリーズ2が放送された元旦の翌日に、監督から「You want to come and play?」との返信をもらい、「ストレートに行ってくれないと分からない。それは出演ということなのか?」と確認したとか。

人んちのキッチンでiPhoneで撮ったオーディション用悪役映像。見てみたいですwww ST2のBDに入れてくれませんかね(笑)
