
[ST2]『Star Trek 2/スタートレック2』主演クリス・パイン、ベネディクト・カンバーバッチの悪役参加を“Greatful”

ベネディクト・カンバーバッチが、Chife Villain(悪役親玉)としてキャスティングされ、撮影が始まっている映画『Star Trek 2/スタートレック2』。主人公を演じるクリス・パインが、ベネディクトの悪役に対して“Greatful”とコメントしました。

MTV:'Star Trek' Star Chris Pine 'Grateful' For Benedict Cumberbatch

Given the overwhelming success of J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek," much ado has been made over the sequel, which started production not too long ago. One of the more interesting stories to come out of the flurry of activity surrounding the new film is the casting of rising star Benedict Cumberbatch as the chief villain.

The very busy actor could only express his excitement about the project when MTV News caught up with him at the Golden Globes, but co-star Chris Pine had a little bit more to offer about Cumberbatch's contributions to the film thus far.

"Benedict is fantastic. He's just so good," Pine told MTV about his scenes with the British actor at the premiere of "This Means War." "He's super talented, and we are more than grateful to have him onboard."

When asked about the tone of his scenes with the "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" and "War Horse" actor, Pine gushed about his co-star's acting skills. "Benedict has got this intensity about him, and he's obviously extremely intelligent and articulate. His vocal quality is something else. He obviously is, unlike many of us, like, an actually trained actor," Pine added with a laugh. "He actually studied for it."

So what are we going to love about Cumberbatch's performance? And will it be love/hate, since he's playing a mysterious villain?

"[You'll love] everything. He's really talented," Pine said. "I think it's all going to be love ? a mad amount of love."

『Star Trek 2/スタートレック2』には、ベネディクトが『Starter for 10』で共演したアリス・イヴも出演が決定しています。


Another "Star Trek 2" actor, Alice Eve, was just as excited about Cumberbatch joining the team, having worked with him previously on "Starter for 10." "I'm very excited to work with him again. He's so very funny, Ben," she said. "I don't know if you remember his character in 'Starter for 10,' but he was so funny. Like King of the Geeks, but he did it so well, and I found a lot of that hard to get through because he was so funny. I like him very much."

この『Starter for 10』は、シャーロックから入ったファンには愛を試されるような作品ですが、七三分けルックスへの抵抗を乗り越えて鑑賞を続けると、なかなかオモシロいお話です。どんなルックスでどんな話なのかは、過去記事にありますので、興味のある方はどうぞ→引き立て役に徹する潔さに脱帽-映画『Starter For 10』 ジェームズ・マカヴォイ、ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ

ちなみに、クリス・パインは、トム・ハーディとの競演映画『This Means War』が来週全米公開なので、そのプロモーション中にST2についてのコメントを求められているのかもしれません。

ワンコが2匹のドタバタ映画ww トム・ハーディがすっきりした体格です。個人的にはこれくらいがいい…(笑)
