
[S2]BBCドラマ『SHERLOCK/シャーロック』シリーズ2は「The Woman, The Hound and The Fall」3部作

2011.08.12に開かれた「Empire Presents... Big Screen」のTVパネルに、『SHERLOCK/シャーロック』の共同制作・脚本・出演のマーク・ゲイティス氏が登場して、トークを行いました。

Digital spy:Mark Gatiss: 'Sherlock series two about

"Season two is what we're calling 'The Woman, The Hound and The Fall' trilogy," Gatiss said.

"So there'll be a version of A Scandal in Bohemia, a version of The Hound of the Baskervilles and a version of The Final Problem," he explained, referring to author Arthur Conan Doyle's detective stories.

"It's a rare chance to do the early days of Holmes and Watson's friendship, right from the beginning, so everything you know has not yet formed," Gatiss said. "Sherlock's attitude to women and to crime is still forming, so it's much more 'plastic'.

"The only heresy [about the show] is that it's modern day, but after that it's one of the most faithful versions there's ever been, because [co-creator] Steven [Moffat] and I just love it. Sherlock Holmes had become all about the hansom cabs and the fog, rather than about the friendship of this unlikely couple, but ours is very much inspired by the Basil Rathbone version."




The new series is "Sherlock and love, Sherlock and fear, Sherlock and death" ( @Markgatiss at #EmpireBigScreen) #Sherlock


シリーズ2は、「ボヘミアの醜聞」「バスカヴィル家の魔犬」「最後の事件」がベースになっているのは既に発表されているとおり。それぞれ「A Scandal in Belgravia」「The Hounds of Beskervil」「The Reichenbach Fall」がドラマ内のタイトルです。

今第1話「A Scandal in Belgravia」の撮影が終了間近で、ゲイティス氏によると『あと1週間とちょっと』だそうです。ロンドンの暴動の影響で撮影を中止せざるを得なくなったこともあり、急ピッチで撮影が進められていると思われます。
