
マーティン・フリーマン、「Sherlock is gayest story ever」

ベネディクト・カンバーバッチが『The Hobbit』で共演予定とうっかり口を滑らせた、ジョン・ワトソン役のマーティン・フリーマン。さらにこーんな楽しすぎる発言まで。

Digital Spy:Martin Freeman: 'Sherlock is gayest story ever'

"Obviously it's Sherlock's show but there's far more parity than I think there often is in that relationship. I know [creators] Steven [Moffat] and Mark [Gatiss] primarily wanted the show to be about that relationship as much if not more than anything else."

Freeman continued: "[It's about the relationship] and how it develops and how it changes and the things that wind each other up, the things that they genuinely sort of love about each other as well. It's the gayest story in the history of television... People certainly run with that which I'm quite happy with! But we all saw it as a love story. Not just a love story, but those two people who do love each other - a slightly dysfunctional relationship sometimes, but a relationship that works. They get results."



Digital Display:Cumberbatch, Moffat: 'Sherlock's not gay'


プロデューサーと劇中の同居人が「ゲイじゃない」って1年弱前に言ったのに、「gayest sotry」と言い放つマーティンが最強です(笑)
