

ベネディクト・カンバーバッチとジョニー・リー・ミラー主演の舞台『Frankenstein』@The National Theatre。


In-Depth Interview With Danny Boyle For His Brilliant New Film ’127 Hours’

Can you talk about your stage production of Frankenstein?

Danny Boyle: Well, this is an adaptation of Frankenstein that we are doing at the National Theatre, and with a couple of British actors (Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller) who will both play the creature and Dr. Victor Frankenstein, who creates him, on alternative nights. Because they are the creator and the created we thought it would be really interesting if they could look at each other every night and play each other’s roles. It’s very much a two hander ? that’s the engine of the piece.

And it’s nice because it puts the accent on performance, and not on makeup. It’s an extraordinary story and interestingly it was adapted for the stage as soon as it was published. It never seems to run out of fuel as a story and we’re doing it in February.

