
USA Todayのベネディクト・カンバーバッチインタビュー:Sherlockについて

いよいよ次の日曜日、10/24にUSで『Sherlock』が放送されるのを受けて、USA TODAYにベネディクトのインタビューが出てきました。

USA TODAY:Benedict Cumberbatch modernizes 'Sherlock Holmes'

"He is a new breed, being in the post-CSI forensic world of multimedia technology," Cumberbatch says, sitting in a conference room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in a leather jacket, purple shirt and jeans. "Science and policing have advanced a great deal since (Arthur Conan Doyle introduced the great detective in 1887 in A Study in Scarlet). But a lot of crime remains the same. We live in the age of identity theft and high-tech crimes, but there are still crimes of passion and revenge. All the motivations are the same ? identity, loyalty, money and love.

"You wonder how Holmes is going to cope in the modern world in terms of forensic science. But hang on. This is the man who started forensic science. He did footprint casting and fingerprint analysis. He's the human laboratory."

私服でも紫のシャツなのか、Benny!(笑) でも、ジーンズだとパイロット版みたいに近所の頭イイにーちゃんみたいになりそうな…。

"It was great fun," he says. "But it's Robert Downey Jr. He brings his star persona, and he's brilliant. He's a great maverick and pretender, but..." Cumberbatch pauses, trying to figure out how to be tactful, and then says, "His film is a great Victorian thriller/action/romp, and while they were loyal to certain aspects of the books, it's not Sherlock Holmes for me."


"He casts a towering shadow. He was a friend of my mom's, and he was around our family a lot. He and the part collided, and he let it take him over. He was a manic depressive, but that was a side issue, but he then played one."


"Holmes spent a lifetime obsessing about who, what, why and when," he says. "For me, it's something to toy with. People's hands fascinate me. It's tempting to look at a businessman's left hand and see if there's an indentation from a missing wedding ring. Or maybe there's a tan line and the skin is pressed down where's he's worked a ring off his finger. Your mind's racing."

"When I was asked as a five-year-old how I was, I was apt to say something like, 'My little toe is a bit achy. Maybe I stubbed it or I dropped something on it. But I think it's healing, although the nail looks a little bit dark. Do you want to see it?'

"My dad had the onerous task of looking after me one day when I was at my most terrible. I was scaling walls, giving cactuses handshakes and running around naked causing havoc outside a church."


"I got the idea of becoming a lawyer by watching Rumpole of the Bailey," Cumberbatch says. "But then I started meeting people they throw at you to put you off ? these worn, vampiric-looking creatures who hadn't seen daylight for a long time. I thought, 'Wow, I'm thinking of becoming a lawyer because it's more sensible?'"


"I was Titania (Queen of the Fairies) in A Midsummer Night's Dream when I was 13," he says. "I did a good enough job to get the part of Rosalind (in As You Like It) the next year. I was a very late developer."


"If the BBC had sold it here a little bit harder, that's what I'd have been known for in America, but my time is coming now, which is very exciting," he says.


Spielberg cast Cumberbatch without meeting him. "He'd seen my work and knew that class and period were safe things in my hands," the actor says. "I can give a sternness and authority to Major Stewart that makes him mature beyond his years."


"His middle name, Carlton, was cleaner and sounded less like a fart in the bath," Cumberbatch says. "My first agent dissuaded me from calling myself 'Cumberbatch.' I had six months of not very productive time with her, so I changed agents. The new one said, 'Why aren't you using your family name? It's a real attention-grabber.' I worried, 'How much is it going to cost to put my name in lights?' But, then I decided that's not my problem."

