
Collidorのベネディクト・カンバーバッチインタビュー:SHERLOCKおよびWar Horseについて

Collidor.comに、「SHERLOCK」と「War Horse」についてのBenedict Cumberbatchインタビューが出ていました。

Collidor.com:Benedict Cumberbatch Interview SHERLOCK; Also Talks About Steven Spielberg’s WAR HORSE


The minute I started reading the script, I thought, “Yeah, this is going to be a lot of fun.” And then, I met with them and it was only after we talked about what it would be developed into, and the relationship of Watson and Holmes and where’d they go, that I thought, “Yeah, this could be terrific fun. I’m going to go for it.”

セールストークじゃなくて本当に「これは面白い!」と思ってくれたんだといいな、とどこかで訝しみながら(苦笑)、でもパイロット版60分も面白かったので(90分版を観た後ではとてつもなく物足りないですが)、きっと本当に"terrific fun."と思ったんだろうと思います。

I ate a very good diet, did a lot of swimming, a bit of running, some Bikram yoga and I learned a bit of the violin. I did read the books a little bit and spent a hell of a lot of time learning the lines because he writes as fast as he speaks, so there was a huge volume of material to get under my belt. There was just no room for thought. It vomits out of him. That was the preparation I did for it.




I had a superb audition with Martin, and I immediately knew that he was my primary choice. He was definitely the person that I immediately sparked off and raised my game for. He’s an adorable man and blissfully, ridiculously funny and entertaining. He’s a great support and companion in real life as well. We have tremendous fun doing the show.

DVDのメイキングによると、シャーロック役がベネディクトしかいなかったのに対し、ジョン役の選出は結構難航したそうです。現Dr.WhoのMatt Smithもジョン・ワトソンの候補に挙がっていたそうですが、Mattのキャラクターはどちらかというとベネディクトのシャーロックに重なるため、彼はジョンにはならなかったとか。

そうしてマーティン・フリーマンがオーディションに来てベネディクトと読み合わせを始めた瞬間、ベネディクトの演技が変わり、プロデューサー達はマーティンがジョンだ!と思ったそうですが、ベネディクト本人もそう感じていたんですね~。返す返すも口惜しいのが、“I'm his doctor."というパイロット版にあるジョンのセリフが本編に入っていないことです。あのセリフはぜひとも入れてほしかった…[E:bearing]




Oh, I’d love Irene Adler to crop up. I’d love the Hound of the Baskervilles to crop up. There’s all sorts of things that I’d love to do, or characters that I’d love to be involved, but it’s a mixture of the new and the old.


They worked incredibly hard to give me a very privileged education, so I could do anything but be as stupid as them and become an actor. Unfortunately, I didn’t pay any notice, like a lot of children, to my parents’ wise words. For awhile, I did toy with being a criminal barrister. I thought that would be quite fun. Then an awful lot of people dissuaded me from that path, basically saying, “It’s unpredictable. You don’t know where your next job is coming from. You have to travel up and down the country to God-forsaken holes of depravity, and it’s very lowly, incredibly hard work.” I thought, “This sounds a bit like acting, so I’ll stick with that.”


そして話は現在撮影中のスティーブン・スピルバーグ監督作品『War Horse』について。そこは省略しますが、12歳の時にちらっと馬に乗ったことがあっただけのベネディクトはこの6週間休みなしで馬に乗り続け、夕方に撮影をしていたそうです。

今後公開予定の出演作品は、レイチェル・ワイズと共演の「The Whistleblowers」と、「Thrid Star」。

