


第1話でタクシードライバーを操り、第2話で中国密輸団の女ボスShanを影から操っていたモリアーティ。プロデューサーのスティーブン・モファットは、第3話『The Greate Game』でモーティアスの正体が明かされることを約束しています。

The Guardian:The mysterious case of the unknown Moriarty: Sherlock will reveal all

Fans have been gripped by the riddle surrounding the identity of Moriarty, who has teased Sherlock from afar. But Steven Moffat, the Doctor Who showrunner who co-created the series, promises that Moriarty will be revealed in the third episode. "The next great Moriarty arrives on Sunday night, you wait! Oh, just you wait!" he says.


Sherlock has turned Cumberbatch ? a twice Bafta-nominated actor for his roles in Hawking and Small Island ? into a television superstar, and provided Freeman with his most successful television role since The Office. And the BBC is hoping that Sunday night will not be the final outing. "We would like there to be another series," said Ben Stephenson, the corporation's controller of drama commissioning. "We're so thrilled by the reaction."

Stephenson is due to meet Moffat and his co-creator, Mark Gatiss, the actor, screenwriter and author, on Wednesday. "The response to Sherlock has been amazing, and we'll be speaking very positively about it," Stephenson said.


