ベネディクト・カンバーバッチが弁護士Rumpoleを演じるラジオドラマ最新エピソード放送:『Rumpole and the Old Boy Net』『Rumpole and the Sleeping Partners』
ベネディクト・カンバーバッチが主人公の弁護士ランポールを演じるBBC Radio 4のラジオドラマ『Rumpole』シリーズの最新エピソードが2本放送されました。日本からも視聴可能です。
BBC Radio 4:Rumpole and the Old Boy Net
We rejoin Rumpole and Hilda in 1964. Hilda is worried about the choice of school for their son, Nicholas. Hilda wants Rumpole to become a Q.C. in order to afford a decent education for Nicholas. Claude Erskine-Brown is also trying to take silk but he's distracted by the arrival in chambers of Rumpole's new pupil, Miss Phillida Trant.
BBC Radio 4:Rumpole and the Sleeping Partners
After a legal ball in the Savoy Hotel, Rumpole and Hilda argue about Rumpole's drunken behaviour in front of Mr Justice Gwent-Evans. Rumpole can take no more of his wife and jumps out of their taxi. He intends to spend the night in chambers but finds Erskine-Brown in Equity Court, with Phillida Trant, "working late". Rumpole asks Phillida to help him with the defence of Hugo Lutterworth, who's accused of trying to kill the husband of his lover.