ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ出演ラジオドラマ「Rumpole」シリーズ『Old Unhappy Far-Off Things』現在iPlayerで視聴可能。第2話は来週放送予定
ベネディクト・カンバーバッチの出演しているラジオドラマ『Rumpole and the Penge Bungalow Murders:Old Unhappy Far-Off Things』がBBC Radio 4で再放送され、iPlayerであと7日間視聴可能です。
BBC Radio 4:Rumpole and the Penge Bungalow Murders:Old Unhappy Far-Off Things
Benedict Cumberbatch, plays the young, feisty, devastatingly acute legal eagle Horace Rumpole in his first big murder case, where he defends for the first time "alone and without a leader" in the case which was to make his name; and of course the story also marks the beginning of his life-long liason with "She who must be obeyed"; as we hear, recalled through the memoirs of the older Rumpole, how young Rumpole found himself engaged and married without being absolutely sure that he had in fact proposed in the first place!
It is the fifties, a short decade after the end of the war, and two war heroes have been shot dead. The only suspect is Simon Jerrold, the son of one of the victims, and he faces the death penalty. Defending him is deemed hopeless, so the case is handed to a novice. But the novice's superiors didn't count on the tenacity and wit of the young and hungry Horace Rumpole
Adapted by Richard Stoneman
ベネディクト・カンバーバッチが演じるのは若くて元気がよく(生意気な?)、驚くほど鋭い弁護士Horace Rumpole。Rumpoleの最初の大きな殺人事件のお話。
第2話「Alone and Without a Leader」はBBC Radio 4 Extraで来週日曜日に放送予定。